I've spent the last two weeks obsessing over the freaking pods that got delivered this morning. Where will I put them? How will I work this out? Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah! Mind chatter. I believe I used the word transference in a previous blog. Well, my amazing neighbors came to my rescue. Four of them gave up their parking spots, two blocked additional street parking, one traded me for my spot and another gave me the option of blocking her garage all together. All this, just so the pod people had options. I love my neighbors (roommates, as I often call them)! Now, thanks to them, the pods are here safe, sound and ready to be filled to the brim with all the crap I own. No muss, no fuss. Tomorrow a man will come and professionally pack it for me. I paid extra for this. I really hate moving.
I repeat: the pod is an amazing invention. Why someone didn't think of it eon's ago is a mystery. This big flatbed truck pulls into the hood. On the back, sit a row of pods and a forklift. The forklift lowers on a train-like rail onto the street. Its got wheels that go in every direction. It beeps really loud in reverse and probably wakes up the neighborhood. It picks up a pod and places it in the chosen spot (usually a driveway or parking spot). Repeat. The pods stay there until they are filled up. A call is made for pick up. They take them away, store them and deliver them when you call. Wallah! AMAZING. I am officially a fan of the Pod, people.
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