Ok, so I'm a little, or a lot, late. I was in LA for Christmas and then back in Oregon for New Years Eve and then, BAM, I was sick as a dog. I was in bed for 10 days and still, 25 days later, getting rid of the last symptoms. No, it wasn't H1N1.
Now it's almost February and I am 1 year older than the last time I blogged. Oh joy. Vickie got a job in New Mexico and I started school in Oregon. Two girls in two cities are happy to have some new things happening.
I haven't forgotten or given up on the music blog. It too will be happening. I just need to do some research to get it up and running. I've started that process and it will be coming soon.
I'm still loving it here. The weather has been pretty mild and we've had enough sun off and on that I don't think i'll go crazy, not this year anyway.
I don't have a lot to say right now, which is funny. I've wanted to blog for a week now and kept saying "later, i'll do it later." It never happened. Now I am and I forget everything I wanted to say. So maybe I will leave it at this for now. A nice short & sweet Happy New Year to you all. And I will do my best to actually sign on here and say something of interest next time and sooner rather than later.
Happy New Year. May this 2010 bring you good health and happiness. ~ Renee