Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy New Year?

Ok, so I'm a little, or a lot, late. I was in LA for Christmas and then back in Oregon for New Years Eve and then, BAM, I was sick as a dog. I was in bed for 10 days and still, 25 days later, getting rid of the last symptoms. No, it wasn't H1N1.

Now it's almost February and I am 1 year older than the last time I blogged. Oh joy. Vickie got a job in New Mexico and I started school in Oregon. Two girls in two cities are happy to have some new things happening.

I haven't forgotten or given up on the music blog. It too will be happening. I just need to do some research to get it up and running. I've started that process and it will be coming soon.

I'm still loving it here. The weather has been pretty mild and we've had enough sun off and on that I don't think i'll go crazy, not this year anyway.

I don't have a lot to say right now, which is funny. I've wanted to blog for a week now and kept saying "later, i'll do it later." It never happened. Now I am and I forget everything I wanted to say. So maybe I will leave it at this for now. A nice short & sweet Happy New Year to you all. And I will do my best to actually sign on here and say something of interest next time and sooner rather than later.

Happy New Year. May this 2010 bring you good health and happiness. ~ Renee

Friday, January 15, 2010

Survivor: SEASON 30 - NEW MEXICO

This is just short and sweet and a place to vent :)

So there are these “special” services allotted for Native Americans here like, if you are Native you can file a form stating you deserve a job and you deserve preference based on the fact that you are Native. Forget anyone else who has applied and their qualifications; if you are Native you have the right to request preference.

Now, that being said, I can prove my Native American descent with a long line of relatives right here in New Mexico. However, what people don’t get here is I don’t care to be affiliated with any organization like that; tribal blood or not. It’s apparently quite easy to get your “status”, you just contact the tribe, go to tribal counsel and get consent from the chief! And then what?! He issues me a sari?! Why does that sound like a really sad episode of survivor all of a sudden? I mean, I am Scottish and German too shall I wear a kilt or a lederhosen? Well, maybe with some knee-high doc martins, but really. . . . . I don’t get it, I have no desire to be identified like that just to work the system or make a company hire me based on my ethnicity, not my qualifications.

So look, here’s how I really feel. You know what tribe I belong to? LOS ANGELES. Orale!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Vickie LightandDark

You can take the girl outta LA but you can never take the LA outta the girl. I let New Mexico try for a bit, became a chameleon, tried to fit in without putting any ideals or expectations on this place but when it comes down to it, I don’t need to fit in anywhere, I’ll always be the LA hipster. I need a turntable; where’s my vinyl?

I have come to love Santa Fe, really. . . but I have to admit; It's like someone shot it with a big dose of Botulism right in the eye. It can be monotonous, repetitive; and there is a huge lack of motivation. Is it just me? Maybe it is. . . .

I am not saying it has not been an adventure, it has but the reality seems to be sinking in and it makes me sad and a little scared. Not because I am thinking Santa Fe isn’t the answer anymore it’s that I am thinking more and more I really don’t belong here. I am 35 and single. That’s a bad combination in this sleeping little one-horse town. This is not to say I wouldn’t come back but maybe it’s just not the right time now. I don’t know where I am supposed to be, maybe it is LA or at least near it. Spending the holidays alone made me realize that, as well as do my true deep rooted interests and issues – haha! I find that I am not honing those interests here as much as I thought I would. I think because from a creative perspective, it’s a bit of a cliché here and the last thing an aging LA hipster needs to be is cliché!


Right place, wrong time. . . .that’s how I feel every day – Jack White