This is just short and sweet and a place to vent :)
So there are these “special” services allotted for Native Americans here like, if you are Native you can file a form stating you deserve a job and you deserve preference based on the fact that you are Native. Forget anyone else who has applied and their qualifications; if you are Native you have the right to request preference.
Now, that being said, I can prove my Native American descent with a long line of relatives right here in New Mexico. However, what people don’t get here is I don’t care to be affiliated with any organization like that; tribal blood or not. It’s apparently quite easy to get your “status”, you just contact the tribe, go to tribal counsel and get consent from the chief! And then what?! He issues me a sari?! Why does that sound like a really sad episode of survivor all of a sudden? I mean, I am Scottish and German too shall I wear a kilt or a lederhosen? Well, maybe with some knee-high doc martins, but really. . . . . I don’t get it, I have no desire to be identified like that just to work the system or make a company hire me based on my ethnicity, not my qualifications.
So look, here’s how I really feel. You know what tribe I belong to? LOS ANGELES. Orale!
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