As you can see from the attached, crooked, lovely cell phone shot... I am finally moved in to my own little home at The Mulberry Apartments in lovely Ladd's Edition, located in S.E. Portland. The place is an absolute mess. Boxes are opened and crap is stacked everywhere, in hopes that I will find an appropriate place for it.
Let's back it up a second. RECAP.
Um.. I stayed home on the 4th of July. There were so many fireworks going off in the neighborhood it was like world war three. Fireworks are legal here. Me and the cat stayed in at BK's house and caught up on Harper's Island. Kind of fun watching horror stuff with fireworks in the background. I chose to stay in because, well, I had to move the next day into MY NEW PLACE! (Yes, I am saying and thinking those words with extreme excitement and exaggeration! Do you hear the increase in octaves as you get to the end of the sentence?)
Moving my stuff was pretty quick for the mover guys considering they had to carry it up three flights of stairs. The harder part was me getting all of my stuff from BK's house. Basement to car, car to apartment. I have a lot of freaking clothes and it's a problem. We'll get there... First let's discuss my boxes and how the whole pod thing turned out... Considering the fact that some of my boxes looked like they were stomped on by large gorillas, I've been surprised to find only 2 items broken thus far. I still have about 7 boxes to go and many of those are books, so we should be in good shape. Other than getting everything into the place the only thing that was further accomplished was the mission to find bedding and make the bed. Oh how glorious to lay my eyes upon my double pillow topped bed, layered with clean sheets and 3 sets of pillows. I just stared at it like you would a lover or something. I was, IN LOVE for those few moments.
As you can imagine, I was so exhausted. I took a bath thinking I would eat something and be in bed by 8pm. Nope.... the bath, a nibble and knowing I was home got me all riled up. BK2 (Ex-BK's brother, Blake), who lives 2 doors down, stopped over for a visit and to check out the place. Verdict: He likes my space better with the exception of the kitchen. He has a very cool vintage white kitchen with original fixtures. My kitchen was re-done in 50's mid-century modern. He argued that it was seventies. I'm older, I know design, I win. Anyway, I somehow wrangled him into sitting down and watching me drink an entire bottle of wine. A good time was had by all!
Day 2 (yesterday) was spent at the likes of Target, Trader Joes and Fred Meyers (kind of like Target with groceries for you Angelenos). I was so tired after 4 hours of shopping that I only unpacked for a bit before throwing in the dirty towel. I laid down on my big cozy bed and watched several episodes of Northern Exposure. No matter where I am that show somehow makes me feel at home. Odd?
Today I got up and called everyone known to man. Car Insurance, Internet, Electricity... you know the drill. Good news, I will have DSL next Tuesday so I can BLOG you all to death after that. I am a little over 1/2 unpacked. I have dishes everywhere because the newspapers they were wrapped in made them too dirty to put away. Of course, what is the one thing I forgot to get at the store yesterday? Duh-Dish soap! That's happening next.
Tomorrow, I will finish as much as I can before I tackle the bathroom and closets. I have storage issues in the bathroom that require creativity. I'm waiting for it to hit. The closet space is aplenty but not as aplenty as my last place. I have discovered that I am a clothes whore and need to find a way to overcome this issue, pronto. I really don't want to be that person that has to put winter/summer clothes away off season. Am I making a big deal over nothing? I would love to hear thoughts on this before I start purging.
That is the short of it told in long form. I am finally, at last, in my new place and it is glorious. I have three windows in my living area that create the most awesome breeze. I have sunlight for days, which will be great in the winter. I am here. I am home...at last. And now, after the unpacking is complete, the real journey begins... or so I would hope!
Stay Tuned. Thank you for reading. Renee
You will now actually have seasons... so I think it is fine to put clothes away. You know you won't be able to "cure" your clothes addiction. : )
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to come stay at the new place.