Wednesday, July 1, 2009


It's been a few days... no Renee, no Vickie. Believe it or not, I've been busy.

I got home from the beach and immediately went into social mode. After a beautiful and fairly quick drive home, and a shower, I headed back to the west side of town for a birthday party. A crazy rager of a party at which I saw the likes of the clock strike 4 AM. I haven't done that in a while. Of course, old age prevented sleeping in too late so after about 5 hours of sleeping on a window bench (seriously) it was time to start working on the hangover. We arose to blankets throughout the house where everyone seemed to find a random place to lay their heads, including the kitchen nook. I suppose that's what you call a successful party. For sure, a good time was had by all. We cleaned and inhaled a burger for breakfast around noon after which, I headed home. I later succumbed to an accidental couch nap before getting ready for party number two.

Saturday nights party was a bit more mellow. I went to a backyard BBQ slash birthday party for someone I did not know. My friends invited me to tag along. It was nice, now that the sun seems to be here to stay (for a while), to just sit in a back yard and drink some wine and meet some new people over silly conversation. I was home by 11:15 PM.

Sunday I went to see Transformers 2 with BK's brother Blake (also BK). DON'T waste your money. It's awful, even if you liked the first one. Blake went so far as to say that he thought it was the worst movie he has ever seen. You have been forewarned! After the movie, it was so nice out we found a patio to sit on and sip a pint before ending the evening at 8:30 PM.

Since the weekend I have been busy running around doing things like opening a bank account and looking for a job. Oh so exciting. I stayed with the friends that invited me to party two (Domo and Randall aka RP1, I am RP2) for a couple of nights and will be having dinner with them again tonight. I guess you could say that I'm settling in and starting to feel like I live here. Sunday is the big day. I will finally have my own place to live!

I have to say, since the sun came out last week... I am really digging this city. I've been known to say, if Portland was always sunny, EVERYONE would live here. It is paradise in the summer. If we have three months of this sunshine, well then, I have every reason in the world to be a happy camper. I just need a job, or something resembling work. There isn't much I tell you. I will not give up!

I suppose that todays blog is just a catch up full of nonsensical ramblings.....

Today after seeing nothing on the job boards, I'm going to go take a couple of hours off to hit the local pool with my friends daughter in hopes of turning my white skin less white. Seriously. I'm glowing. Not blue white, but close enough that it hurts my eyes to look at my legs. I dyed my hair this morning. Do you think it's a bad thing to go in a pool the same day? Hmmm...

Apologies to the daily readers... I have a feeling blogging might be a bit intermittent this week due to my work up to the big move or maybe I will feel more inspired tomorrow to actually talk about something other than the rundown of my boring day to day. OR... maybe Vickie will charm us with her magical stories of the desert.

Pause...... feel excitement growing.... smile... read on...

I am at the countdown people and that is truly something to be excited about! Sunday!

In closing, I do have something odd to share. I had a nightmare the other morning that someone was kidnapping me. I have never in my life had a kidnapping dream so I decided to look it up on the internet. Read for yourself. I thought it was totally interesting and probably not too far off.....


The main theme in abduction dreams is fear. The dreamer may be afraid of losing a very important part of himself or of losing his safest and most familiar surroundings. Also, the dreamer may be afraid of leaving his home, childhood, familiar support group, or long standing ideas. These type of dreams may be most prevalent during times of psychological or physical transition and during stressful times of life when the future is somewhat uncertain.

Happy Fourth of July week!
~ Renee

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