Seriously, It's in the nineties today. I'm not complaining. I will never complain about the heat or the sun here because I know the dreadful color of gray I have to look forward to is always right around the corner. But really, it's just hot today and my apartment is stuffy. I guess I could go to one of the air conditioned or breezy cafes but I'm taking a cafe break. The heat here feels hotter than the heat in La La land. No lie. Ninety here feels like 100 there. Humidity? All in my head? Whatevs! (thanks Dimitri)
I'm laying on my bed under my ceiling fan listening to the Police, Synchronicity. There is a guy laying on his front porch couch two houses down. There is no air conditioning over here. They don't need it. The houses are old and so they suffer for the week or few by laying on the porch or heading to the local park for a tan. I'm hiding out today. Job hunting. Lucky me.
Tomorrow I've decided to hit Sauvie Island (borrowed picture above). It's a short 10 minute drive away. It's a peninsula that has a sand beach, sans waves. If you go down the road far enough you can be treated to nudist families. The trick is to not go too far or you end up in the secluded area where the pervy nudes hang out. Of course, being the prude that I am, I have yet to do the nude thing. Tomorrow I will go to the closer in beaches, where the crowds of those clothed in bikinis will be. My legs are white. We must do something about this. I just need to get out of town for a couple of hours while it is really hot. Do you hear the justifying going on?
I'm not moving and I'm sweating. I'm laying still and my face is creating moisture. Behind my knees feels drippy. I'm not complaining. A popsicle sounds really delicious right now. "Honey, would you go down to the store and pick me up a box?" I know, who the heck am I talking to. "Oh and while you are at it... maybe pop into Sears and pick up a window air conditioner." Hmmm... she's lost it. The heat, it's getting to her. Popsicles! Stat!
What did I accomplish today? Emailing myself two jobs that I don't want but will apply for any way and narrowing down my choice of gyms to three. I will now get input from the locals.
Popsicles. Orange, raspberry, banana, lime, grape and mmmmm....rootbeer. I had a Bomb Pop for the first time since childhood about a week ago. That was an odd experience. I think they are much smaller than they used to be. They still come in red, white and blue. I think, today, if you are going to go for a junk food popsicle, the Big Stick is the best. But you have to get it from the ice cream man or the guy that carries the cooler across the beach all day in the blazing heat because he is Hercules. For whatever reason, they taste different. Better somehow. The ones at the store, not as... creamy? I know, but trust me on this one.
My hair is a mess. Sweaty. It sounds hot out. I'm not complaining. Seriously.
My laptop is making my lap hot.
I saw the popsicle makers at the store the other day. Maybe I should buy some. You know, the Tupperware kind? Just fill with your favorite liquid and freeze. Maybe I should go buy some right now. MMMM... homemade lemonade popsicles! Remember when your mom would make those for you? If not, too bad for you. My mom made them ALL THE TIME.
Summer's hot, summer's fun, nothing like a popsicle to cool you down in this big hard sun.
Stay cool ~ Renee
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