That's right... so soon, we are back to cafe names as titles. Crema is a coffee shop south of Burnside on 28th. It's got high ceilings and windowed garage doors, or garage door windows. Not sure how you would refer to them. It has monthly art installations on the walls and yummy cold pressed coffee available every single day. The seating lines the walls of the room with a few options plopped in the center, including one large family style table. If you need a plug-in, find a wall seat. The furniture is blonde and the floors concrete. It is packed every single day and there is a line much of the time. I'm not sure why. They offer well made coffee drinks, pastries and a few lunchy items like sandwiches and soups. The atmosphere is pretty great, better than most. But, honestly, I come here for the six foot four, tall, skinny, dirty blonde, nerdy guy behind the counter. Definitely giraffe-like, but when he smiles at me I get all gushy-mushy inside.
Anyway, I'm here this morning postponing the inevitable unpacking that seems to never end. It's kind of cloudy out so I figure I have the whole rest of the day to achieve day two of cardboard-dry hands. Awesome.
It's amazing the things you forget you have to do when you move. Like change your address directly with magazines and credit card companies. Am I the only one? You know, you fill out the stupid postal forms and hope they do it for you and then magically it all just gets changed eventually. Maybe you do them one by one as you pay the next months bill? Oh but wait, you probably have never had the post office screw up your mail so badly that it took over a month to start receiving it, so when you finally did, you found your gas bill was being sent to collections. HOW DUMB IS THAT?!? What am I babbling about now? Never mind. Just make sure to pro-actively change your address when you move with each company directly, especially for any final bills. I would skip relying on the US POSTAL SERVICE to forward it to you.
By the way, totally off topic... I got a haircut last week for the first time in a year. I cut like 4 inches off I think. My friend Domo, aka hairdresser, took one look at my hair and said "I'm cutting your hair for free. How long has it been?" Well, what is one to say to that? I folded. Anyway, it is a cute little haircut that works both straight and curly. I love it, my hair loves it, people everywhere love it (not really, but it sounded good). Anyway... One year later, I have cute hair again. Now I need a job.
I have nothing to talk about today. I have to look for a job now. Craigslist here I come. UGH.
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