It's still hot here and getting hotter. In the triple digits by Friday. Californians, I want no comparisons. We have humidity. I win.
Last night I discovered my new favorite summer venue. It's grassy, surrounded by trees, smallish and has great acoustics. McMenamins Edgefield. Ahh... it was lovely. A good substitute for missing one of my favorite things in Los Angeles; The Hollywood Bowl. Plus, they don't charge for parking. Imagine that. Oh and there was absolutely no traffic when we left. CRAZY! Oh wait, there's more. No one raced for a place on the lawn. Once blankets were placed there was absolutely no worry about leaving said reserved spot unattended. We took off just as everyone else did, to have a beer and wander. NEVER would that happen in the LA area. In my experience, at outdoor festivals down there there must always be at least one person left behind to stand watch. And for those of you that like to enjoy a microbrew or two, they were only five bucks. UNHEARD OF!
The show was superb, opening with a little Portland band named Blind Pilot. If you don't know them, I suggest you check them out. They only have one CD out but I have managed to wear it out over the past year. They will get bigger (remember me saying this). Second was Andrew Bird. He's a great whistler, a hyper intelligent lyricist, a musicians musician, has a ton of albums out and is really fun to see live. Again, check him out if you haven't already. The Decemberists headlined. Need I say more? Ok. They have incredible energy and a lead singer with a voice that is perfection. I'm losing my words here.... In short, the show was fantastic!
Today, I was a little tired. Worn out maybe? I didn't do much this weekend other than hang out with my pal Beth who is visiting from NYC. It's nice having a good, old friend in town. We visited some other old friends and fellow campers on Saturday night. We ate salmon and inhaled the yummiest drink our friend Dave made up. Something with blueberry, vodka, cranberry, grapefruit and other stuff that was oh so refreshing and dangerous! I look forward to imbibing at the campground next month.
Oh, so back to today and today's blog title. Yep. That's right. I took an internship today on a short film. No pay until the production starts shooting, but still. I get to put my little fingers in a lot of little areas which will be great. I start tomorrow. I think to start I will be helping with locations and logistics, which I'm excited about. There will be three weeks of pre-production followed by 6 or so days of filming. I have no idea what to expect but it will be nice to be doing "something" (as discussed in previous blog). The nice thing is that I will only be giving them around 24 hours a week, so I will still have time to pursue my other "somethings" in preparation for fall. You know, those little things like a paying job and school. So here I am, 41 years old, working for free on a film no less. Ha. It kind of makes me laugh and feel a little bit crazy, but then it also kind of makes me feel free. I'll keep you posted on the progression of my split personality.
Interestingly enough, Vickie is also interning. While she has not blogged about it, she too is working for free. After all those years of making the big bucks and trying to fulfill ourselves that way, we both find ourselves happy and happily working for free. Of course, the goal is to turn that free work into a way to support ourselves. However, I find it refreshing to not feel the pressure I used to feel to make more and more and more. It never seemed to be enough. I'm as curious as you might be to see where all of this goes.
Renee. 41. Film Intern. Open.
Don't waste life in doubts and fears; spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours and ages that will follow it. - RALPH WALDO EMERSON
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