Friday, June 26, 2009


I'm back in P-Town and the sun is out! Tomorrow we are supposed to hit 85 degrees. The forecast calls for sun, seven days straight. I am a happy camper! What next?

This weekend is packed with parties. Well, only two but that is two more than I've gone to since I got here.

Came home today to find the internet has been installed here thanks to new roommate. Also to find sad sight of ex looking for job. A long discussion ensued. First about my time at the beach. Within that conversation, the local I mentioned (at the wine bar) in yesterday's blog came up. Apparently my spidey sense was correct and the guy is a little nuts. Turns out a good friend of mine has a brother that used to roommate with the guy. (Lesson; always listen to your spidey senses.) Conversation than progressed to the job market. It's pretty bad here. Twelve percent unemployment and less jobs than LA. With percentages being equal, I'm not sure what that means to me or any of us living on government money.

Every day it seems I am reminded of what a strange time this is. "They" say that the economy is getting better. I'm not sure it is. People are still getting laid off and companies are warning of more lay offs by the end of the year. People are leaving their cities en mass in hopes of finding what they haven't been able to at home. A dream? A job? A new environment that might create a new way of looking at things?

I made the statement today that it's no longer unique to be thinking "out of the box." BK replied with "That's because there is no box anymore." Ponder that a bit. What does it mean? What does any of this mean for our future? People say it all the time... "Can't you just get a job of some kind, anything, until you figure the rest out?" I fear that the dilemma is that more and more people can honestly answer with a resounding "NO." Not because they aren't trying but because EVERYONE who doesn't already have a job is doing the same thing. Thinking in circles, squares and triangles. I think a lot of amazing things will come out of this time in our nation. But, I also fear this time for those not so strong of mind or heart or belief in something. How will this time treat them?

Well, if you are like me, you occasionally spend money you don't have and justify it with comments like "I deserve it." or "If not now, when?" or "I could die tomorrow." So, today, in honor of all this heavy thought I made a couple of guilt free purchases because "when will I be at the beach again?" HA! I proudly purchased a loaf of white, squishy, yummy, fluffy, perfect Haystack Bread and a jar of delectable marionberry preserves so my friend Lisa and I can make some toast and spread the love of the best berry ever all over it.

Have a wonderful weekend and remember to walk in a crooked line.

Thanks for reading ~ Renee

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