Thursday, June 11, 2009

Opposable Thumbs

Today's title refers to the name of the cafe I am sitting in. I like it here. Two dollar Iced Americanos served in a Pint Glass is pure happiness. They have low comfy chairs here, with a sort of living room slash art gallery thing going on. When I walked in I thought maybe it was more bar than coffee shop since the chalk board behind the counter has "drinks" on it and the one to the side has coffee stuff on it. But, after hanging here for the past hour I think it's just a cafe that serves drinks. Drinks like Spiced Rum Chai, Hot Makers Toddy and Harvey Wallbangers. I'll have to come back here on a winter afternoon for a toddy and some writing.

My mental state is much better today. I spent several hours on the phone yesterday dealing with more things gone wrong. The morning started with me missing an unemployment call I didn't know had been scheduled yet. I never got the letter. Seventeen calls later I found out the interviewer went ahead and approved me to continue getting unemployment even though he didn't talk to me. Lucky me. Still, I had to wonder why I hadn't received the letter, or any mail for that matter. I called my post office in Los Angeles. Turns out they are holding my mail until June 29th because either I screwed up or they did. Either way it doesn't matter. I have no choice but to start the whole change of address process all over again because they only accept corrections in writing via the US POSTAL SERVICE. No phone calls, no emails. So then I call the Portland post office because I want to make sure there are no issues on this end. I had changed my address directly with a couple of places. Given the way things have been going and the fact that I have not received one piece of mail I thought it best to check in. Guess what. They never labeled my PO Box, so all of my mail has been blocked on this end as well. Seriously, I had to laugh and cry.

At the end of all that, I finally returned some phone calls to friends in Los Angeles. I had a good cry. I went to Powells and picked up a couple of heady books and spent the night reading and drinking wine.

I woke up this morning and I feel different. Finally, something clicked into place. I'm here. Things have kind of sucked. I'm starting to roll with it. I'm leaving town for the weekend. I have no idea what I will do next week. Each day, I do whatever I do. In 3 weeks I will have an apartment and start a routine. For now, I'm a gypsy. I don't feel like the world is ending anymore. I really don't know what is different today. I just feel lighter. Maybe I let go a little. Maybe time is doing its healing thing. The sun is not out, so we can't give it any credit. Let's just go with it. Renee feels good today, even silly. Now that my head is raising above water I need to get school or work sorted out.

The movie I was going to work on is a no go for now. Postponed until September. The catering gig I had a connection with has not replied. My most recent job lead led to a wall. Next, school and job hunting. It's all good. This part was sort of expected. It's a national condition. You can see it in the cafe's of both Los Angeles and Portland. All day, every day, people are on the net "searching (seeking)."

Anyway, Craigslist awaits. Oh, and I just finished the book "Lowboy." I give it two opposable thumbs up.

- Renee

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