I've come to realize that having friends visit is enjoyable but I wonder if it takes away from some of the reality of truly settling in to my new city.
I've had a few friends visit and stay a few days and now one a whole week and while I am elated with their company and the opportunity to campaign for my happiness here; I can't help but think it’s a distraction. I find myself sad at ones departure and anticipating the next arrival to where I live for that point in time. That cannot be good. This experience or experiment should not be based on arrivals and departures of loved ones.
Despite the revolving door of visitors, I have acclimated somewhat. I have befriended some of the artistically-inclined transplants and while I find those new friendships to be quite fulfilling I also know they are transient and people come here with purpose just to complete their goal, fellowship, doctoral, residency, etc. and leave. That is not to say these friendships will not continue but it’s hard when there is a time stamp on it.
Speaking with Renee today on her final stretch in to Portland we came to the realization that we are floating. We have officially detached and disconnected from LA and are probably more ungrounded then either of us have been in years. We have not quite figured out where we want to land, what we want to be or even how long we want to stay. It could be forever, it could be a few months. But in any case, we will float on.
With Memorial Day last weekend, tourist season has officially started. I can see the transition in both weather and people. I always knew the separation between tourist and local existed here it has just never been so apparent. I usually describe myself as an in-between-er because I am neither tourist nor local. I am new and have no foundation here. . . you know, Floating. . . .Are you seeing the pattern?!
This adventure has been nothing but positive but I occasionally find myself contemplating my location within the city. While I find it convenient living two blocks from the heart of the oldest capital in the US I also feel at times a little like I could be living down the street from Disneyland. Same effect? Possibly. As much as I love my little 1840's adobe with gourmet kitchen, heated Saltillo tile floors and skylights it might be worth a drive out Old Pecos Trail or Pojoaque to see what else could be out there.
Sorry for the long silence. I do write, I just need to start posting. ;)
Till then, Vickie
“A true friend freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend unchangeably.” ~ William Penn
You are an amazing person and a wonderful friend that I can say has ALWAYS been here for more than 20 years!! I am so proud of that! I truly agree with the floating aspect of life. Not knowing where the breeze will take me is the best part. I grew up near LA, moved to Ohio and found myself here near my Father after 9 years of being away. While I love being around him, I would LOVE to find myself back in the Burbank area once again.... Because I miss my siblings, neices, nephews! that OLD life that I would love to experience again as an adult. It amazes me that the choices I make cause such drastic life altering results. I have 3 children born in three different states!! That to me is amazing. More yet, THEY to me are amazing. I would not change the path I have been on because it brought me here. I am proud of your courage. I am proud of your choices... and most of all I am proud to call myself your friend. Thanks for always being there! You are one amazing person. Do not ever forget that! I love you SOOOO much!!!