When I am not creative enough to come up with a title for today's blog you will be stuck with the name of the cafe I am in. I'm not apologizing, just explaining the logic.
It's raining out today. Surprise! Honestly, I don't mind. It's raining pretty hard which is different than the normal drizzly pissy thing it does here. More like a summer storm. Dark, warm, dramatic. Plus, it's Friday. Something about it being Friday makes everything seem better. Why is that? Because I get 2 days off from my days off? Hmmm.... I'll ponder that for a while and get back to you. Actually, no, I probably wont.
I'm drinking Rooibos tea. Can you say it? It comes out of my mouth wrong every time. I say ROO-E-BOSE sometimes. Today I said ROOEY...blllllllllaaaaaahhhhhhh... and the guy behind the counter laughed and said "I have a hard time saying Arnold Palmer." How funny and how random is that? I replied with, "Well, we share a last name so I'm kind of practiced at saying that one." Why I'm telling you a "had to be there" story, I have no idea. I guess to tell you to try Rooibos Tea because it's really good. The guy that was in line behind me ordered the same thing. Of course he said it in a well practiced and confident manner. "I'll have a ROY-BUS tea please. WHATEVER MR. COOL, I CAN PRONOUNCE THAT COOL TEA NAME EASIER THAN YOU! He was kinda hunky in a not my type way.
The Fresh Pot is a coffee shop that is attached to Powell's City of Books on Hawthorne. It is long and narrow with green walls. The seating is pretty much all on on side along long bench and then a chair on the other side of each table. There are a couple of tables in the front window. I get the feeling those are prime real estate. They serve Stumptown Coffee here. It's apparently the most popular coffee in this city. Served most places that serve "good" coffee. I chose tea because I had TWO large iced coffees this morning. No more caffeine for this fiend. The atmosphere in here is kind of lacking and the lighting is a little bit undesirable. I won't last long. Which, I guess, is good for them.
I applied for three completely random and unrelated jobs today. One is with an entertainment web/site start up company. They want people to do some data entry on cultural events and places around the city. They compared it to one of my favorite websites so needless to say, I jumped at it. It's only 4 hours a week, but it might actually be something I enjoy so why not? The second job is full time with the Red Cross. I was thinking of bigger picture opportunity there. The third was with the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics. That's all about keeping the dreams real and continuing to reach for them. I continue to have my daily struggle with what I should do versus what I would like to do and how to maybe do both to and still get to the end result I am looking for.
A lot of people in Oregon have funky odor. I'm just saying.
I hate when people talk really loud on their cell phones in public right next to me. It's, annoying. Yes, someone is doing it next to me right now and it's throwing of my mojo and interrupting my train of thought.
Sorry... I got off track. I'm not really sure what today's track is. I'm going to look for a little fluff to read at the beach next week.
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