Hi everyone,
I just wanted to drop a quick-line and let you know I am still here. This week has been good. I have come to REALLY appreciate the landscape here. I don’t think I ever spend so much time alone outdoors as I do here. It’s just too pretty to stay inside; even when it’s gloomy and clouding the sky is stunning.
I love sunsets and have seen some amazing ones over the pacific coast but I have to say they are even more amazing here. It must be the clarity or something.
I have had another week of great conversations (and some debauchery) with new friends, and through that, have come to appreciate the impermanence of life. People come and go for a reason and some may come back around when the timing is right and there is something comforting in knowing that. I know, I promised to write more of a day-to-day so this will be the last deep thought, promise!
Summer has arrived in Santa Fe! The weather is beautiful and the sun feels amazing and being one, Mexican and two, a Cali-girl, I can tolerate the heat and the sun, but let me tell you; it is an entirely different feeling 7,000 feet up! I actually burned the other day! That NEVER happens to me! So what does a girl do? I put on another layer of 30 SPF and fought back like a Mexican lizard :)
It looks like we; and when I say “we” I mean me and my amazing neighbor, confidant, Prince-loving, sister of Avalon, Janet Dees - will be getting a new compound-mate next week, which we are looking forward to. We welcome change and challenge, and it looks like it’s a great fit for the compound. . .but more on that later.
Today was another great day in Santa Fe. . . I took Pennie to the plaza where we people-watched, drank iced coffee from my favorite coffee house “Holly Spirit Espresso” (my very own local caffeine shrine) and talked to tourists and some locals. There are A LOT of people in town. Santa Fe cannot be suffering as far as tourism goes. Last week, we met a band in the plaza (me? meet a band? – never!) who was passing through from Texas and heading to a show in ABQ. Nice, NICE people who I will definitely keep in touch with. They are based in LA so if you are there and they are too, check them out: INCENDIO. Latin jazz; very cool stuff. Wish they would have played SF but they will be back in SF in November. They had just missed Del Castillo at SF Brewing Co. which we discussed. It was a decent show but I have said this before about Del Castillo and I will say it again, unless they are in front of their audience (Antones, Austin, TX) they struggle. So, on that note a well deserved ode to deSol who could rock the house to 5,000 or 5. . . I have seen both. It’s a shame they are where they are now. . .
So listen to music today mi gente. It’s good for one's soul.
What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset ~ Crowfoot
Mucho love, V
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